Best New Side Hustles For 2020 – POS Reseller

Finding a lucrative side hustle can be the secret to making sure you have the bankroll to do everything you want to do, from travel to investing in the equipment that lets you pursue your profession more successfully. Unfortunately, many of the traditionally lucrative side hustles that provide a good return for just a few hours a week of work are also hard to make work during the COVID pandemic. As a result, a lot of people are finding their extra income streams going a little dry, and they’re looking for new opportunities. That makes a gig as a POS reseller an attractive proposition for this year, though. You can sell over the phone or with video conferencing if necessary and the equipment is delivered right to your customer, with no contact required on your behalf.

Entry-Level for a New Career

Unlike a lot of other side gigs, reselling POS equipment can work out as a way into a full-time career. Many credit card processing careers start with a position as an independent reseller or referral source because it lets you learn the business and get valuable experience. That makes you more attractive as a candidate if you want to apply to work for a processor or a credit card company, and it can also fund your education if your dream position has a degree requirement. Since your goal as a reseller is to generate and pursue leads from local businesses who need credit card processing, you can work as little or as much as you want. If you have the time to build a client list that keeps you busy without another job, you might even wind up finding the long-term residuals from processing agreements make it worthwhile after a point.

More than a few people who start out as resellers seeking businesses who want to buy the Clover Station 2.0 and then decide to build their own sales operation as an independent entrepreneur instead of looking for an upward executive path. For the right personality, it can lead to higher earnings in the end. That’s a rare opportunity in a side gig, especially one that provides you with the training and resources you need to get started.

Referral or Reseller?

Some programs offer tiers of earning potential for different roles. While resellers can potentially make a lot of money, they need leads to do it. That’s where referral professionals come in. Resellers often work to build their own leads as a way to increase their income, but the sales affiliates working with many programs also get leads generated from dedicated referral sources. Working as a referral provider typically involves less contact with the customer, but it also has a more limited earning potential because commissions on referrals are one-time affairs that are typically also flat fees, where commissions on reseller transactions are scaled with the size of the purchase.

If working as a reseller seems a little intimidating, starting as a referral builder can provide you with an income while you learn how to generate your own leads, allowing you to build up sales faster once you make your move to become a full reseller. That makes it even easier to build your path to a new career.



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