Are You Getting the Best Value for Money with Your Current Gym Membership?

Lots of people have a ‘gym’ membership, but how many actually get value for money based upon how much they spend out? The statistics vary quite a lot depending on which source you choose to believe; the fact is though that many people pay and don’t attend – why? Others attend, but their gym doesn’t offer everything that they need in order to keep them motivated so, the chances are, if you’re paying out for a gym membership, you’re probably paying more than you need to;


The biggest killer when it comes to actually getting Preston’s best gym for a work out, you may be familiar with the scenario whereby you tell yourself you are going to the gym today, after work, and you mean it. Until the day starts to go by and that adamant thought you had starts to turn into an excuse of, not having time or, I’ll do it tomorrow, there’s a good show on the tele later, or, I need to finish reading that blog about switch plates that I saw yesterday”.

It could be any excuse really, it’s not the excuse that’s the important issue here, it’s the reasons why; Why did that adamant thought slowly, as the day went on start to turn into an excuse that isn’t really valid enough to warrant you not staying healthy.


The fact is, if you love the gym, then you’ll be wanting to go twice a day, every day, without fail. If you don’t then it can be really easy to make up or think of any number of reasons that might sound plausible the first few times but, as time goes on, they just become excuses. Perhaps your gym isn’t enticing enough or you haven’t sat down and looked at how much money you are wasting on a membership that you don’t use?

The first thing to do would be to assess what drives you, as a person, is it money? Image? Status? Are you just lazy and don’t make the effort? Once you’re able to confidently confirm with yourself what your drivers are, then you can look at what can be done differently to entice you into actually going to your gym.

Better value for money than ever before

You may or may not be aware that there are gym’s now that are open 24/7 which is great for those that ‘don’t have time’ because that excuse is, well, gone. If you are motivated by money, then it’s shocking that you could be paying out for a gym membership yet not actually using it properly. If you are not getting the best value for money in terms of the available equipment and services when compared to the hard-earned money that you pay out each month then money can’t really be that important to you.

If you’re motivated by image, then it doesn’t make a lot of sense either, you aren’t looking any better, the less you go to the gym and, to be frank, in the eyes of many a person The image of a person paying out for a membership they don’t use in order to ‘look good’ doesn’t really make any sense.



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