3 Signs Your Windows Need Replacing

The windows of a home should last a good long time. If treated decently and well maintained, they can last anywhere from 15, 20, or even 25 years in relatively good working order. But many homeowners are completely unaware of how old their windows are, and unless there is very obvious damage, it can be challenging to determine when they need to be replaced.

Problems with windows can often go unnoticed until they develop into significant issues. You may not notice the subtle temperature changes in your home or the fact that you need to pump the heat to get your home to feel warm, but it never quite gets there. Homeowners only tend to notice these things when there is a noticeable sudden jump in energy bills or a huge draft in the home.

Knowing what signs to watch out for can help determine if you have an issue with your windows that warrants getting replacement windows, which will help lower your energy costs and keep your home comfortable. Here’s what to watch out for.

Drafts and Leaks

The problem with air leaks and drafts is that they are often unnoticeable when they first start. It’s only when you physically notice the drafts when walking by a window that you think to do something about it, and by then, it’s become a bigger problem. 

The good news is that many drafts will disappear with some weatherstripping and caulking. However, caulking and weatherstripping will become ineffective at a certain point, and you’ll need to replace the window unit to avoid further leaks. 

Problems with Operation

If a window requires intense effort to open, that’s more than just an inconvenience. It’s a sign that there’s a more severe issue at play. Opening and closing a window should be quick and easy. If you have trouble opening or closing it, it might mean there’s a problem with the window that is preventing it from closing completely, creating more heat loss and making your home uncomfortable. 

Excessive Noise

Unless you completely soundproof your home, you’re likely to get some noises from the outdoors finding their way into your house. But if the noise is excessive, it may mean that your windows are aging and becoming ineffective. Windows should have good insulation and be effective at keeping outdoor noises out. 

It might not seem like a big issue, but excessive noise can have an impact on health. Constant noise from barking dogs, neighbours cutting the grass, or airplanes flying overhead can be exhausting. 

Any quality window on the market today should do a decent job of keeping your home quiet, but if the sound is an issue in your neighbourhood, there are several things to look at to ensure you’re getting a more effective noise-blocking window. More panes and thicker glass should help to dampen outdoor noises.



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