Getting into Guns?

Guns have fascinated millions of people worldwide. There’s just something about guns and their refined forms that amaze individuals. Development engineers, inventors, law enforcers, soldiers, and civilian enthusiasts continue to share their passion for guns.

However, not all people have the personal resources to enter the field of weaponry. For the daily individual, guns may seem like a form of violence, threat, or protection. Newbies getting into guns may find this article as their basic initiation.

Introduction to Guns

Guns have been part of modern world evolution. They once were the forerunners of cutting-edge weaponry. Guns are woven into the fabrics of our history since the very first application of viable handheld pistols.

Guns and firearms have taken different iterations and versions in the past centuries. From the flintlock musket to the modern-day AK-47 and glock 43x holster guns continue to shape our history. For avid outdoorsmen, shooting mystery can help you discover and get into hunting weapons of choice. Guns have proven their significance with various daily applications.

As more time passes, gun literacy continues to decline. The gun can be compared to any type of machine in existence. They need constant maintenance and proper supervision. Operating them for any purpose requires proper handling and correct training. Misuse of guns can be attributed to a lack of knowledge and respect of their handler.

People nowadays tend to shoot more but disregard valuable knowledge about guns. Gun literacy is crucial for its correct usage and purposeful application. Knowing about different types of guns, how they came to be, or where they are applicable can serve multiple benefits.

The thing about guns is the many different forms they have taken. Simply put, any modern gun is a tool that can propel different types of ballistic projectiles towards an intended target. The various forms and assemblies that guns represent addresses the proper application and purpose they serve.

How do guns work?

Guns are officially defined as weapons. A gun is any type of weaponry that is used or designed to expel a projectile with any type of explosive. Simplified, if any person has a tube and a projectile, and the projectile is launched out of the tube with an explosive substance, you now have a viable firearm.

Mechanically, a gun is composed of a tubular barrel, a firing pin, a bullet, and a trigger mechanism. Once the trigger is pulled, the firing pin makes contact with the bullet cartridge. The resulting spark causes a miniature explosion inside the bullet casing filled with gunpowder. The bullet located at the tip of the cartridge is forced out of the shell. It then travels spinning out of the barrel at any given velocity.

Different Type of Guns

As stated, guns have been shaped in different forms serving various functions. The bullets have also evolved from first phase metallic spheres to conical projectiles. Bullets were once propelled by pouring the gunpowder into the barrel. Today, bullet cartridges are composed of a cartridge or shell casing, gunpowder filling, and the bullet attached securely at the tip of the bullet casing.

There are different bullet designations of shapes and sizes. Each is utilized with different types of guns. Here we discuss briefly the different type of guns:

Bolt Action Rifles

Bolt Action rifles represent the basic form of modern firearms. The typical bolt action rifle is fired by pushing forward the bolt and pulling the trigger. The empty cartridge is done by pulling back the bolt. Pushing the bolt forward again loads a fresh cartridge from the gun magazine.

Lever Action Rifles

These are the rifle types prevalent during the 19th century. They are popularized with many Western films and action flicks. The pull of a lever attached to the rifle loads a fresh bullet. Any user can pull the trigger to dispel the bullet. Another pull of the lever is required to eject the empty cartridge while loading a new cartridge into the chamber.

Semi-automatic Rifles

Semi-automatic rifles differ in reloading mechanisms from the bolt and lever-action rifles. Simplified, semi-automatic rifles install a new bullet cartridge with quick succession. This is accomplished by recycling the expelled gases to activate reloading mechanisms. They used gunpowder gases and their momentum are utilized to eject spent bullet casings while having a fresh round installed.


Shotguns have originated from the first variants of air and hunting rifles. Instead of using a singular pellet, shotgun bullet cartridges are composed of circular pellet groups. The pellets are then propelled out of the shotgun barrel by the use of a propellant such as gunpowder. Shotguns are extremely damaging at short distances. The shotgun is great for close-quarter shooting since it sprays a whole area with metallic pellets.


Revolvers make use of cylindrical loading magazines. They are the first version of semi-automatic handguns. Once the trigger is pulled, the hammer is released to strike the bullet primer. In turn, the gunpowder inside the bullet casing incinerates forcing the bullet out the barrel. Modern-day revolvers require the single pull of a trigger. It advances the cylindrical magazine while pulling back the hammer momentarily to strike the bullet primer in an instant.


Modern-day pistols have evolved from revolvers and gunpowder-loaded handguns. Pistols of today make use of springs, pistons, and barrels. A magazine takes the form of a slanted yet slim box where bullets are loaded. A spring on the base of the magazine pushes the bullets into the pistol chamber. Once the trigger is pulled, the pin makes contact with the bullet primer, expelling the bullet out of the chamber. A new bullet is quickly loaded with the slim magazine spring. The spent cartridge is expelled out of the gun with the recycling of gunpowder gas and reactive springs.


Getting into guns can be quite complex and difficult in the beginning. However, it is recommended for newbies to be familiarized with the proper handling and management of guns and various weapons systems. This can aid their correct usage when the necessity requires.



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