5 Common Myths and Misconceptions People have about getting an MBA Online

Online MBAs have greatly evolved since they were first introduced and were viewed with mixed emotions up until recently. Now that online learning is back at the forefront, a lot of people are beginning to consider the option. And they should, as the MBA is more relevant now than ever, and getting an MBA online or otherwise is a great way to prepare for the road ahead.

Still, there might be people who might still be reluctant and not sure if they’re worth the money. More often than not, however, these are caused by preconceived ideas about online MBAs. Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths and misconceptions people have about online MBAs.

They’re Lonely

This is probably the most pervasive and false myths circulating about online MBAs. But what if we told you that you could actually get more personal interactions through an online course?

With online tools, it’s much easier for teachers to answer questions. Especially in programs where there’s a high faculty to student ratio. You’ll get the chance to interact with them in a way that would be virtually impossible in a face to face setting. It’s also easier for them to attend to multiple students at once. Getting in touch with them outside of class is also very easy through chat and it might be more comfortable for you.

The truth is that communication and collaboration tools have advanced so much that you still get the feeling of connection you would get in a traditional class. Another great thing about these programs is that they tend to attract a lot of international students or people coming from industry, so you get to enjoy the input and experiences from others.

There’s also nothing stopping you from forming relationships outside of school. If you’re in a major city, chances are there’s somebody in the same program as you living in your area, and you could coordinate meetups.

Note, however, that the level of interaction that you’ll have with your professor will depend on the type of program you pick. For instance, you won’t be able to interact in real-time with teachers and other students if you take asynchronous classes. This is when you take classes on your own time while keeping an assignment schedule. This is something you’ll have to consider when picking an MBA.

If you want to learn how to make the most out of your online MBA, we suggest you check out this article. You’ll learn how to maintain team spirit without direct physical contact among other things and a few helpful tips to help you get through your studies.

They Don’t Allow you to Network

Again, not true. Not only do communication tools make it super easy for students to stay in touch and build, but colleges also do a great job at making sure to hold events both on and off-campus that will allow you to directly network with other students. And, as we’ve mentioned already, the variety of people you’ll be introduced to in those programs could allow you to stumble upon opportunities you never would’ve imagined otherwise.

Online Degrees Don’t Get Recognized

This one is another very damaging myth about online MBAs. Some people seem to be under the impression that online MBAs come with an asterisk. But the reality is that a degree you received online will look exactly like any other. There is absolutely no way to differentiate an online degree from a traditional one. The only difference will be the name of the school, and that’s all that matters.

This is what will determine the value of your degree in the marketplace. Not how you got it. How the program is viewed will also weigh in the balance. So, you should focus on getting your MBA from a school that is at least respected for its business faculty.

You have to make sure that the school is accredited at the very least. And it has to be a regional accreditation first. You should also check if their program is AACSB accredited for good measure.

Online Degrees are Cheaper

This one is tricky. Indeed, you’ll probably spend a lot less on transport, campus fees, and various other expenses when getting your MBA online. But you shouldn’t expect dramatically lower tuition. Tuition for online programs is pretty similar to traditional ones and it should be expected since you’re getting the same level of education. However, they are a good option for those who didn’t want to spend on college accommodation and all the extras that come with campus life.

Online Programs are Easier

Um, no. Online programs are just as rigorous as any other programs, so don’t expect them to be any easier. As a matter of fact, it might be tougher depending on what type of student you are.

If you’re naturally self-disciplined and motivated, then you’ll have no trouble adapting. But, if you’re the kind that’s easily distracted, tend to procrastinate, or always need to be reminded of important events and appointments, this might not be the best option for you.

One area where getting an online MBA will be easier, however, is when it comes to flexibility. Some courses allow you to follow classes in your own time. This is a great option if you have a hectic schedule or other responsibilities. You can also decide to stretch out your program to make things easier for you.

But this is as easy as it will get. Be prepared for assignments, quizzes, group tasks, and everything else you would expect from a respectable program. Accreditation bodies demand that online classes abide by the same standards as any other, so make sure you’re ready for that.

If you held any of these preconceived notions about online MBAs, we hope we were able to clarify a few things for you. The best move now would be to speak with graduates who went through the process and get their opinions.



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