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How to lose Side Fat – Best Exercises for Side Fat


You might think that side fat is just a beauty thing. In other words, people want to learn how to lose side fat because they want a slim body to feel good about themselves. But you are wrong. Carrying weight in the abdominal and side muscles is just as much as a health issue, as it is a beauty issue.

Weight in the abdominal and side muscles is a sign of storing visceral fat, which increases the chances of getting heart disease and diabetes. Getting rid of side fat is essential for a healthy life. There are two aspects of how to lose side fat, and one of them is exercise. With that in mind, here are some exercises you can practice at home and some you can go hard-core at the gym.

Exercises for side fat you can do at home


The ultimate exercise for strengthening your body, plank helps you lose side fat, but also improve your abdominal muscles, low back, and back muscles.

Forward bends

At first glance, this looks like an easy exercise, but it requires a lot of patience and balance. It is a great way to stimulate both your body and mind.

Side bends

Unlike previous two exercises, you will need to employ a dumbbell for this one. If you do not have a dumbbell, you can use a plastic bottle filled with water for some weight and resistance.


If you’ve ever watched a movie with Superman, you’ve noticed the position in which he flies. Well, this exercise is basically you trying to fly like Superman. The exercise is good for your entire core, including back, lower back, shoulders, and side muscles.

Side plank

Being that you are trying to lose side fat, you need more than just the regular plank. You can say the side plank is a step forward, because it focuses solely on the side muscles.

Side plank dips

Every exercise has a next level, and side plank dips are exactly that. Once you master the balance of the side plank, you can do dips.

Russian Twist

Russian twist will help you lose abdominal fat, side fat, and get that flat stomach you’ve always wanted.

Oblique Crunches

Everyone can do crunches. But regular crunches become boring, and frankly, they are not as effective. Therefore, you need to mix things up. Oblique crunches are one way to do that.

Knee lift

You can try this exercise in a standing position if you are not feeling strong enough at first. But if you are in moderate shape, you should have no troubles doing it in plank position.


If you do not have a swimming pool, sea, lake, or any water you can swim in your neighborhood, you can always swim at home.

Tips For Success

The Hard-Core Workout for Side Fat

Side fat is commonly known as love handles. The belly fat collecting around the torso is a key indicator of poor overall health. This workout is designed for someone who wants to work out in a gym and wants a fast-paced training workout. You need to engage your entire body, but you need to be in a little better shape to go through this routine. It is not for beginners.

Sledgehammer overhead strikes


Hanging leg raises

Battle rope waves

Box jumps

Kettlebell swing

Jumping burpees

Do not underestimate the importance of a diet

There is a saying, you cannot out exercise a bad diet. And that is especially true when you want to learn how to lose side fat and belly fat.

Side fat and belly fat are some of the biggest challenges because even the tiniest cheat in your diet will contribute to fat in these areas. Understanding the importance of diet in your effort to lose side fat is crucial. In order to get rid of side fat, you need to put 100% effort. And that is 50% exercise and 50% diet.

Here are tips for a successful effort in losing love handles.

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