
14 Safe Homemade Face Toners For Soft And Smooth Skin

Facial toners are very underrated when it comes to skin care. We always go for creams, exfoliates, masks and other such beauty products to make our skin look healthy and smooth. Maybe it’s because we don’t think a spray of mist will do much better than the many more thorough beauty treatments, but sometimes less is more.

The gentle moisturizing and rejuvenating that comes from using face toners is perfect for more sensitive and oily skin, not to mention it’s much easier and faster to use than anything else. Also, with warmer days just around the corner, who wouldn’t like a little spray to the face that will not only refresh you but nurture your skin as well.

If you’re new to using facial toners and want to give them a go, instead of testing out the various ones available in stores, that can sometimes be unsuitable for your skin and do more harm than good, start with something easy, safe and all natural, by making your own easy peasy and very pleasing homemade facial toners you will love.

1. Chamomile Tea Face Toner

facial toner chamomile mamaisdreaming.blogspot
Photo: mamaisdreaming.blogspot.com

We’ve all felt the soothing properties of a hot cup of chamomile tea when we’re under a lot of stress. Now you can have that same soothing feeling to your skin when you need it, with this very effective chamomile tea face tonic.

2. Acne Removal Face Toner

Photo: dreamalittlebigger.com

You have to be very careful about what products you use when trying to treat acne, so you won’t cause other problems in the process. Here is a gentle safe acne-treating face toner that can do wonders for your skin.

3. Lemon Cucumber And Tea Tree Face Toner

Photo: veganstreet.com

Sometimes you just need something to freshen up and plain cleaning and washing aren’t enough. A few spritzes of this amazingly refreshing all natural face toner will bring the spring to your step and your skin.

4. Turmeric Toner For Acne And Facial Hair

Photo: littlediy.com

Turmeric has many wonderful benefits to your skin, but it is a bit strong and might leave a yellow glow to your skin when used excessively. That won’t be a problem with this turmeric toner, that will not only prevent any unpleasant breakouts but also helps reduce those tiny unwanted facial hairs.

5. Brightening And Exfoliating Face Toner

Photo: glossypolish.com

Tomatoes and lemons may sound like the ingredients to some detox drink, however, you can use them for your skin as well. Rich in vitamin C and anti-aging properties, this tomato and lemon facial toner will rid your skin of any pigmentation and leave it looking fresher and healthier than ever.

6. Rose Water Face Toner

Photo: ovelyindeed.com

The romantic beauty stereotype of bathing in warm baths filled with rose petals may be more than just for show. Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties and it’s a gentle skin cleanser, but commercially available ones can come as a bit too strong and fragrant. This homemade rose water toner is more subtle but just as effective as the store-bought ones.

7. Strawberry And Lime Face Toner

Photo: blog.eoproducts.com

Once fresh strawberries come into season, don’t miss the chance to use them for a very rejuvenating face toner, that will leave your skin clearer, smoother and firmer. Combined with lime and essential oils, this will be your favorite face toner by the end of summer.

8. Coconut And Rice Water Face Toner

Photo: beautifulhameshablog.com

Here is another facial toner made from very popular and healing natural skin products, coconut and rice water. This toner is easy to make and one you can use daily, especially when you feel like your skin is a bit on the dry side, for this combi is perfect or moisturizing and restoring the unbalanced pH factor of the skin.

9. Grapefruit Face Toner

Photo: thefreespirited.co

Grapefruit is great for cleansing the skin and keeping it young and flexible, not to mention it leaves your skin smelling fresh and yummy. Once you make this anti-aging toner it will be a beauty product you can and will use daily.

10. Easy Homemade Face Toner

Photo: ourhomemadehappiness.com

The great thing about homemade toners is that they are much more affordable to make and can be customized according to the needs of your skin. And this tutorial will offer you just that, a few combos you can choose from which will be best for your skin type.

11. Floral Face Toner

Photo: countryhillcottage.com

The best face toner is one who will leave you feeling beautiful while leaving no trace of ever being used. This invisible floral based face toner is very beneficial to your skin n many ways and is practically undetectable upon use. You’d say it’s the best of both world.

12. Basil Face Toner

Photo: pinklittlenotebook.com

Basil is another wonder of nature, treating and soothing your skin like magic. It is ridiculously easy to make a facial toner out of it, it’s very gentle to sensitive skin and with visible results in a very short amount of time.

13. Anti-Aging Anti-Blemish Face Toner

Photo: lovingfit.com

This is another fast-acting tonic with ingredients you might already have at your home, like ACV, coconut oil and kombucha tea. A beauty right out of your pantry that will take years off your face guaranteed.

14. Charcoal Face Toner

Photo; catchingseeds.com

Activated-charcoal based beauty products are a huge hit this past couple of years, so we couldn’t have a complete list without adding a charcoal toner to our list. It is not one to use in public or before going out, but it is one that will detox and cleanse your skin as few other toners can. So, make sure to give it a go when you can.

Hope you’ve enjoyed our list of facial toners and have found one that will be just right to add to your beauty routine. We’ll love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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