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Cleaning Made Easy: 70+ Uses for Everyday Products

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Do you have baking soda in your home? What about some lemon juice? Or apple cider vinegar? White vinegar, anyone? Yes, those everyday products can do much more than you think.

If you’ve been following my website, you know that I prefer to do things the natural way. And that applies to everything. Cleaning, cosmetics, health remedies, and so on. I’m sure many of you have the above mentioned products in your home. And there are many more.

A common saying is: “The solution costs a dime if you know how to find it.” And that’s exactly what I want to show you these everyday products. Basically, you can do almost anything with them. And unlike expensive cosmetics and cleaning products, it will cost you almost nothing. That being said, let’s take a look at what these products can do. Why spend money on something you have in your home. Right?

Apple cider vinegar

Let’s start with one of the most common products in our homes: apple cider vinegar. I bet every one of you has a bottle at home. If not, go get one now. I’ve written before about the uses of apple cider vinegar, but here are some of the most common uses.

Lemon juice

The next item on the menu is lemon juice, another household staple. I keep some fresh lemons in the house because of their scent and because they are very practical. Many use lemons for health benefits. But they can do much more.

Baking soda

We are now getting to one of the cheapest, if not the cheapest, home remedy and cleaning solution you can get. Basically, a teaspoon of baking soda can make all your troubles go away. Here are some common uses.

Coconut oil

Yes, coconut oil can be a little pricey, but it’s well worth it. This is the healthiest oil you can use for your cooking and diet. There are many uses of coconut oil, but I’ll list just some of them.

White vinegar

There are certain areas in which white vinegar is better than apple cider vinegar. And vice versa. White vinegar is less acidic than ACV, for starters. But both are great, and I’d recommend you have one bottle of each at home. Now, let’s take a look at some white vinegar uses.

Castor oil

I’m sure that when you were a child, your grandmother suggested castor oil for just about everything. My grandma was the same. She gave me castor oil for almost every ailment, and I’d like to share just some of the uses today.

Castile soap

Being that castile soap is made from olive oil, you know it can be handy to have it around the house. In addition to being a great soap, castile soap can do much more. Here are some of the basic uses.

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