
Beyond Budgeting: Holistic Approaches to Financial Wellness

It’s common to think of budgeting as a one-size-fits-all solution to financial problems. But you don’t have to dig deep to see just how incorrect this can be. If you budget well but don’t look at other methods of financial control, all the effort that you put into calculating your income and spending essentially goes down the drain. To make sure this doesn’t hold true in your case, here’s an overview of different approaches to financial wellness.

Control Unnecessary Spending

While following tips for living on a tight budget, you may often see advice to control your spending. It’s because cutting down on your expenses can make a world of difference in your financial stability. This doesn’t mean that you should start skipping meals. Instead, it only asks for you to let go of superfluous spending like buying luxury clothing and taking extravagant vacations. This not only complements your existing budget but also gives more strength to your future finances.

Maintain a High Credit Score

If you have ever taken out a loan or used a credit card, you may know the basics of your credit score. A good credit score is considered to be upwards of 670. If your findings from a credit bureau tell you that you fall below this range, you should work to improve your score. You can do so by making your loan payments on time and paying off any loans that you can easily let go of.

Be on the Same Page as Your Partner

If you are in a relationship, it may do you good to discuss your finances with your partner. This can seem like jumping through hoops for nothing. But once you think about giving both of you a strong financial foundation, it gets easier for you to spark a discussion about money. From there, you can use various ways, like using a couples budgeting app, to reach your mutual goals without getting in each other’s way.

Create an Emergency Fund

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An emergency fund is one of those things that gets talked about a lot but is not followed as much. You can think of it as a safety net that helps you cover your household expenses for 3–6 months. This includes your rent or mortgage, utilities, groceries, and childcare costs. Make no mistake: creating an emergency fund may seem like nothing short of moving mountains. But making room for it can help you avoid the effects of debt on mental health.

Prioritize Savings Above Expenses

If you find saving money more difficult than spending it, you are actually not in the minority. But it’s also just as true that you have to prioritize savings above expenses to live a financially stable life. By looking into a traditional or online savings account, you can start putting away some money in a safe space that doesn’t lead to easy spending. In case you need some extra motivation, you can also set specific future goals to save your funds.

Explore Different Investments

If you have ever had an introduction to investing, you may already know that you can choose from several options to secure and grow your funds. Some of these assets, like stocks, come with a high risk of losing money, while others, like high-yield savings accounts, reduce this risk to virtually nothing. But you should also remember that high-risk options come with high rewards, and low-risk ones offer minimal benefits. That’s why you should take your time to consider these pros and cons.

Review Your Finances Every Few Months

If you do most of your tasks with the help of a reminder app, it’s time to set up an alarm for a personal financial review. When you review your evolving income and spending every few months, you can easily spot unnecessary spending and possible savings in your ongoing budget. By making this a regular habit, you can continue finding your way towards a stable financial foundation.

These solutions are easy to take on but remain highly successful in delivering the type of financial benefits you want. This can help you elevate your finances beyond what a usual budget can do for you.

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