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8 Next Steps For Veterans Leaving The Military

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Leaving the military can be a massive life change. You must think through your decision carefully and ensure you understand the different ways your life will change. It is crucial to prepare yourself for your re-entry into civilian life, and you should start planning as soon as you’ve made your choice.  

You will need to know what you will do when you leave, where you will live and what your support system will be. Start the ball rolling before you start the separation process. Talk your decision through with trusted friends and family to get their opinion on your plans.  

Take A Break 

Leaving the military will give you a perfect chance to take some time for yourself. Ensure you have enough money saved and take a month or two to find your feet in civilian life. Consider travelling or pursuing your interests during this time.  

Go back Into Education 

Research the options for education to help you ease back into civilian life. Education can help you find a job. Consider formal higher education or specialist skills courses. Look for funding and free courses available to veterans to help you upskill.  

Reach Out To Your Civilian Connections 

Reconnect with your civilian friends and family before you separate from the military. A support system is vital to help you transition. Consider relocating to an area where you know people.  

Consider Your Housing Options 

Decide where and how you want to live. Consider subsidized housing for veterans to help you get on your feet. If you’re going to buy a property, consider home loans for veterans, such as a VA loan. Choose a reputable lender for a VA home loan like Hero Loan.  

Take Care Of Your Mental Health 

Consider reaching out to a therapist to help you work through your feelings about leaving the military. They can also help to manage any PTSD from your service. Consider taking up practices like meditation and mindfulness to further boost your mental wellbeing.  

Stay In Contact With Your Military Buddies 

Stay in touch with your military buddies after leaving the service. It can feel isolating leaving the military, so staying in contact with your friends will ensure you stay plugged into your support system. Consider getting in touch with friends who have already left the military.  

Consider Your Career Options 

Find a career that you enjoy. Consider the skills you learned in the service and your strengths and weaknesses. Discuss your options with a career advisor before you leave the service and determine the steps you need to take to go into the career you want.  

Keep Yourself In Shape 

Sign up for a gym once you leave the service to ensure you maintain your physical fitness. Ensure you do the recommended 75 minutes of rigorous or 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. Gyms can be an excellent way to meet new people outside of the military.

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