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5 Options When Your Home Does Not Have a Garage

Screenshot 2021 06 08 at 20.10.13

Finding space to put vehicles, tools, and other miscellaneous items can be tricky when you do not have a garage. When considering different alternatives to a garage, there are a variety of options to consider. (Arrow from From permanent structures to non-permanent structures, you can expect to find a structure that meets your needs. Garage alternatives can be pricey depending on your needs, but there is always a solution for everything. Here are five options to consider when your home does not have a garage. 

Metal Garage

Consider investing in a pre-built metal garage. These structures are sturdy, durable, and ready to store your vehicle and personal belongings. Metal garages are detached from your house and are accommodating to different uses. Additionally, you can expect a metal garage to last you between 20 to 30 years as the materials’ durability and material make it resistant to damage.

Garage Kit 

A garage kit is a moreover cost-effective option for a garage. These kits are generally less expensive than pre-built garages, come in a variety of different options, and some offer easy assembly. Garage kits are also great for those that enjoy hands-on building and come with all the material necessary for your structure. If you enjoy do it yourself projects and receive satisfaction from seeing your hard work come to fruition, then a garage kit is for you. Furthermore, because you build these structures with your own hands, you also save money on potential service fees.


Purchasing a shed is a great and efficient way to create extra storage. Whether you chose to store your yard supplies, trashcans, or storage boxes, storage sheds provide adequate room. When choosing a shed, you can decide if you would like to build it yourself or buy one that is already assembled. You will also come across different size options that will accommodate your needs.


Metal carports are another option to consider when searching for protection for your belongings. Unlike garages, carports are open on all sides with only providing a durable metal roof. Carports are best to store vehicles as it guarantees protection from harsh weather conditions. If your goal is to only protect your vehicle then carports might be the right choice for you. However, if you are looking for more protection for additional belongings, potentially consider additional storage options to ensure your valuables are safely stored.

Car Canopy 

Similar to a carport, a heavy-duty canopy has four open sides and a roof to protect your vehicle. Except instead of a durable solid roof, canopies generally have cloth-like roofs. If you decide to purchase a canopy, you might want to ensure that the structure is securely tied down when assembling it. This will help the structure stay steady throughout different weather conditions. Nevertheless, a canopy is a less expensive option when considering a garage alternative, even if it is merely a temporary solution.

Garage Alternatives

Most garages offer security and provide additional protection for your personal belongings. If your home comes without a garage, consider alternative options to secure your valuables. Of course, there are pricier options than some but think of the long-term benefits and potential value the extra space will add to your home.

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